NOT Dead.

Hello.  Nope, I’m not dead, just been thinking and watching the news (besides doing the chores that THE Wife has tasked me with, of course!), and some Spring Cleaning and Home Repair, etc.  But, mostly just doing some Thinking about “The State of the World,” so to speak.

Let’s just say that I AM PISSED and leave it at that for now.

But before I sign off, I remind you of what Robert Anson Heinlein once wrote: “You can have Peace, or you can have Freedom.  Don’t ever count on having both at once.”

And one final quote for now:  “One doesn’t Appease a Mob by throwing those who Protect you FROM that Mob INTO that Mob.  All that does is make the Mob grow into a Bigger Mob, and why should you expect your Guardians to Protect you from THAT Mob?”- Bubblehead Les, 5 May 2015.

Bubblehead Les Out.

4 thoughts on “NOT Dead.

  1. RHT447

    “You can have Peace, or you can have Freedom. Don’t ever count on having both at once.”
    The first thought that popped into my head was all those feel they have a right to a job (entry level with $20/hr. mandated minimum wage) but who have no desire to work.


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